Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Adverts and History!

Another fantastic advert inspired by History has been produced; this time for supermarket chain Sainsbury's. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Sorry about the quality-I'll post a better one when it is available!


The Clever Pup said...

I'm crazy because ads like this and the ones for Stella Artois make my cry.

Lucy said...

I love it! And you can say that some of the best things in life- just never change. Thank goodness for that!

TammiMagee said...

Thanks! I totally understand what you mean Clever Pup! I'm so sentimental when it comes to things like this! ha!

Jennifer Taylor said...

I enjoyed it. It brings back memories of my childhood, and the stories my grandparents shared with me.

Profoundly Superficial said...

A very clever piece of advertising (I used to be a copywriter). Part of a tradition dating back to Ridley Scott's famous "Hovis" ad in the 1970s. Aldous Huxley once said that creating an ad is the equivalent of writing a sonnet: short, sweet and to the point!

TammiMagee said...

Hovis did a fantastic ad last year for their anniversary-it's on this blog somewhere in the archives. It's a lot better than the Sainbury's one in my opinion. Thanks for the comments!